How to Lose Weight Fast After Childbirth
Genes or hereditary factors may play a role in this regard. But the lifestyle and daily activities more influential in slimming postpartum.Quoted from Feminine So, get involved in activities such as children playing, running with your baby or carry him can cut hundreds of calories. The benefit is the same as when doing body combat in the gym.
In addition, by providing breast milk for their children is a factor that accelerates postpartum slim body. Breastfeeding itself is reducing about 500 calories per day. Also according to Rosemary Dodds, a consultant at the National Childbirth Trust, London said that the woman's body will usually slowly return to normal a few months after giving birth. With notes, if coupled with a healthy diet and lots of moves.
"Women will lose weight naturally after childbirth but also require a sensible diet and varied to gain power and stay healthy while caring for the baby," said Rosemary, was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail.
Rosemary back said that many new mothers giving birth are not rational set a target weight loss program. On average they hope to return to its original shape in a matter of weeks. Whereas normally the fastest is three to six months postpartum.
Scientific studies have found that breastfeeding plays an important role in weight loss and can reduce weight up to several kilos in a few months. If coupled also with exercise, can decrease faster.
"If you are breastfeeding, exercise will not affect milk production. But if you eat and drink less, it will reduce," said Jane Wake, a fitness instructor from London.
Jane also advised to eat lots of fruits, vegetables and brown rice and whole wheat bread. Consumption is also low-fat protein like skinless chicken, fish and drink more water when olahrga.
"At least 2 to 3 liters a day," added Jane.
If the sport in the gym feels too heavy, you can start with mild activity. For example, with a leisurely walk or jog in the park around the house.
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