Tips 1 Remove Blackheads Using papaya
Papaya fruit is very well known for its use of facial skin care and beauty. One of the benefits of papaya is to address blackheads. The way is easy, using papaya fruit make for mask. Soften up similar pieces of papaya fruit pulp to taste and then apply on the face around there seem evenly blackheads. Take a few moments and then rinse with clean water. You can do this when you wake up in the morning and at bedtime.
Tips 2 Remove Blackheads Using Aloe Vera
Aloe vera gel is very efficacious to overcome your blackheads. The trick is to prepare 1 stalk of aloe vera, then sliced into two parts. Take mucus or gel and apply on your face and the nose area of blackheads. do regularly 1-2 times a day until your blackheads invisible back. If the gel produced is less, you can also blend / pieces of aloe vera juice.
Tips 3 Remove Blackheads Using Hot Water Vapor
Well, usually if you're boiling water, then take advantage of the hot water vapor to remove your blackheads. This is an effective way to add a little salt to the boiling water, then wait for it to boil, then Steam face or blackheads area for 5-10 minutes. For more leverage, cover your head with a towel, then sat down and faced your face in front of the hot water that is placed in the basin.
Tips 4 Remove Blackheads Using Lime Juice
How to remove blackheads naturally the next is by using lemon juice or lime. Lemon is very effective to remove excess oil on the face. The trick is to prepare lemon juice, mix with almond oil and glycerin. Mix the three ingredients and puree using a blender. After that, apply on blackheads area evenly, wait 10 minutes then rinse wear clean water. This method is also effective to remove stains black spots on your face. You can also make a scrub, with a mixture of lemon juice, salt water, honey and yogurt. Mix the ingredients and rub gently on the affected area blackheads.
Tips 5 Remove Blackheads Using White Egg
Especially for this part egg whites only for removing your blackheads. The trick is to smeared egg white (you can also add one tablespoon of honey) on the face that affected your nose blackheads or evenly, then let stand until it dries, about 25-30 minutes. Furthermore, wash your face with warm water.
Five tips above you can practice at home without the need to go to the doctor.
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