Many women associate bleeding during pregnancy with miscarriage and complexities in health, too critical to improve. However, the reality is, there is nothing serious in the case of vaginal discharge during pregnancy, and many women expect to experience in accordance with physical activity and hormonal changes. Typically, pink discharge when a pregnant woman shows a small amount of blood is diluted with cervical mucus, thus, produces a pink color. Pink discharge is not a problem that is of great concern to worry about. That is, the discharge is normal, and does not harm the baby or the mother. The following explanation of the possible causes of a pink discharge during pregnancy.
Is brown spotting normal in the first trimester?
Brown spotting during pregnancy results from bleeding, which passes through the vagina to stain your underwear; this bleeding can be caused by any of the following conditions:#Cause 1 - Infection: This is also among the causes of brown spotting during pregnancy 1st trimester. Once a pregnant woman comes down with an infection around the vagina or cervix, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly. This includes all types of infections and sexually transmitted diseases – such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Infections during pregnancy can interfere with the progress of the conception, thereby bringing about a miscarriage. Meanwhile, in other situations, infections could cause birth defects in a child if the pregnancy is not spontaneously aborted. I’m sure you’ve already learned from one of my articles that part of the things you should be prepared to guard against during pregnancy are infections and diseases.
#Cause 2 - Implantation Bleeding: One way or the other, this is the number one culprit when talking about brown spotting during the early days of pregnancy. Implantation bleeding is caused by the rupture of some blood vessels in the wall of the uterus when the zygote – which is the fertilized egg – starts implanting itself into the uterus. Not all women experience spotting from implantation bleeding, because it normally results in slight bleeding which may not make it to the vagina to cause a spot before it clots. Meanwhile, because of the time it is normally experienced, implantation bleeding in most women is mistakenly taken to be the start of their normal menstrual period; in normal situations, the bleeding occurs between the ninth and twelfth day of pregnancy – which usually coincides with the time you will expect your menstrual period to start for the month. The spotting from implantation bleeding is commonly brownish in color, and does not call for medical attention.
#Cause 3 - Miscarriage: Unfortunately, about 50% of all conception ends as miscarriage; in most cases, this occurs before the lady even knows she is pregnant. Miscarriage is the spontaneous abortion of pregnancy before the 20th week of conception. You shouldn’t mix this up with the conventional “abortion” you knew before; miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion – it occurs without being induced. When an embryo is spontaneously aborted, the mother may experience brown spotting during pregnancy 1st trimester. When miscarriages occur, the bleeding experienced by the expecting mother may be light or heavy; when it’s light, the bleeding can cause brown spotting, which usually contain tissue-like structures, which are remnants from the aborted embryo. Meanwhile, nearly all cases of miscarriages cause severe cramping and abdominal pains. It is important you check with your doctor when you notice blood spotting after the second month of your pregnancy. If the spotting or bleeding is due to a miscarriage, the doctor will have to confirm that everything is fine within you, but in some cases, there might be need to induce the ejection of the aborted embryo in order to clean up the uterus.
#Cause 4 - Post-coital Bleeding: This refers to bleeding after sex, and is the last culprit among the causes of brown spotting during pregnancy 1st trimester. Post-coital bleeding in pregnant women is caused by the abrading of the penis on the wall of the cervix during intercourse. The situation is that, during pregnancy, the cervix is highly vascularized (that is, it has increased blood flow to the area) and the contact of any structure with the region can rupture some vessels to cause slight bleeding which may result in brown spotting. You don’t have to panic about this except when the bleeding is much.
#Cause 5 - Ectopic Pregnancy: Even after gathering so much information about ectopic pregnancy, many women still don’t comprehend what this condition is really all about – some even think it’s a myth. Well, it’s not; a fertilized embryo can get implanted elsewhere apart from the uterus; this is known as ectopic pregnancy or extrauterine implantation, which could be life-threatening to the mother. Most cases of ectopic pregnancy – up to 95 percent – occur in the uterine tube; this is referred to as tubal implantation. Other locations where this ‘pregnancy’ may develop include: the ovaries, intestine and peritoneum of the abdominal cavity. Most cases of ectopic pregnancy do not progress to full term, and it can result in internal bleeding, which may be lethal if not attended to properly. Such bleeding can also be among the causes of brown spotting during pregnancy 1st trimester, but the woman will also experience severe abdominal pain and cramps. If the implantation occurs in the uterine tube, the patient may notice more than just brown spotting, because the blood flow towards the vagina may be much. Other signs of ectopic pregnancy are dizziness and fainting. Once you notice any bleeding after your first trimester, you just have to find your way to the hospital without any delay.
All said and done, the GIST herein is that brown spotting during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, especially in the first two months, may not call for concern. However, despite the many complications, most women give birth to healthy babies. No matter how important the bleeding or spotting, do not forget to tell your doctor, because he who will determine the cause behind the problem, and tell you the most relevant measures. You should be transparent with your doctor so that he is able to get rid of the negative, and suggest you the right medicine. However, if it is only small patches that you experience, there is nothing to worry about.
What Teas Are Safe To Consume During Pregnancy?
Many alternative medicine health care providers feel that consuming certain herbal teas during pregnancy is a great way to support optimal pregnancy health.
Herbal teas can often provide an additional source of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and iron. However, due to the lack of studies on most herbs, the FDA encourages caution when ingesting herbal teas.
To understand which herbal teas are safe to consume during pregnancy, let’s first look at the different types of teas and how they are made. Or, you can buy a pregnancy tea from amazon products.
Traditional Medicinals Organic Pregnancy Herbal Tea, 16-Count Wrapped Tea Bags (Pack of 6)
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